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If you wish to submit an opinion for your voice to be heard, please read the following guidelines:

  1. Only verified opinionators' views will be published.  To register as an opinionator, please click here.

  2. Opinions can be submitted by clicking on the button below.

  3. Opinions can be posted anonymously if you wish.  Please state clearly in your submission.

  4. Opinions can be linked to your profile to allow IO members to follow you.  Please make your profile public.

  5. Opinions should be submitted in English only.Opinions 

  6. Submission should be 500 words or less.

  7. Only submission of the current topic of the week will be accepted. 

  8. Submitted opinions are not guaranteed to be posted.

  9. All fact-based data will be fact checked.  Opinions based on non-factual data will not be published.

  10. Wonder how to write a good opinion piece?  Here are some tips

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